John Rex Endowment Announces Upcoming Funding Opportunity

The John Rex Endowment provides grant funding to Wake County nonprofits who share our desired impact that all Wake County children and their families are safe, healthy, and living to their full potential. While a powerful statement, we know that the fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic will be felt in our communities for years. As a local funder, it’s the Endowment’s intention to be responsive to the management and recovery of the nonprofit sector. 

In March we will publish our competitive Nonprofit Capacity Building Request for Proposals (RFP) specifically related to organizations exploring enhancing their strategic relationships.  This funding opportunity aligns with our two funding areas: Nonprofit Capacity Building and Children’s positive social, emotional, and behavioral health and well-being.

Nonprofit Capacity Building

The pandemic has left many nonprofits struggling economically and seeing an increased demand for services. At the same time, organizations are considering ways to ensure that mission and organizational needs continue to be met. Through engaging in strategic relationships there is opportunity for nonprofits to achieve greater impact. By working together, whether through programmatic partnerships or shared back office services, organizations may be able to deliver more and better services. For information related to strategic relationships, see the article "Mergers, collaborations, and strategic alliances" from the National Council of Nonprofits.

The intent of this opportunity is to help grassroots organizations with limited funding opportunities develop stronger partnerships, collaborations, and possibly mergers to maintain their missions during the ongoing economic impacts of COVID-19. The applicant organization’s programming should be specifically, intentionally designed to meet the social, emotional, behavioral health and well-being needs of children and families made most vulnerable.  Priority consideration will be given to Black/Latinx/Indigenous-led grassroots organizations. More information on eligibility will be provided in the RFP.

Upcoming dates:

  • Week of March 15: A Request for Proposals (RFP) detailing this Nonprofit Capacity Building funding opportunity on Strategic Relationships will be released.
  • Week of June 7: Grant awards will be announced.

Please watch the foundation’s website for our current funding opportunities and grant award cycles.